Eight books because HOLY COW I’m behind…

I knew I was behind on my book reviews, but until I counted today, I didn’t realize I was eight books behind! It all started when three of my library holds came in at the same time, and the rest is history. For that reason, I will be limiting my reviews to no more than five or six sentences—which is a shame, since a lot of these books deserve far better treatment.

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War of the Foxes

Thought I’d kick off National Poetry Month with some poetry. Although I think I technically started reading Richard Siken’s collection War of the Foxes in March? I had friends in town last weekend, so I didn’t get much reading done.

Technically-technically I started reading War of the Foxes when Siken came to speak at my MFA program several years ago. But I only read a few poems here and there, not the entire collection in order. Probably should have read it sooner. It’s quite good.  Continue reading

Two Florida Books

As usual, haven’t been blogging, but I have been reading. Lately I’ve read two very different books that take place in Florida, which I also visited earlier this month for the annual AWP Conference. I have strong familial ties to the Sunshine State, so I always enjoy reading stories in the (bizarre, swampy, blazing) setting where I had to spend so many of my childhood Christmases. Continue reading

The Argonauts

Sometimes I think this blog should be called “Becky Reads the Year’s Hot Bestseller Several Years Later.” It seems to happen a lot. For example, I finally read Maggie Nelson’s The Argonauts last week, and I’m happy to report that it’s just as good as everyone says it is. Or rather, it’s just as good as everyone said it was several years ago. Continue reading